RISE Placement FAQ's
Which students should be placed in the RISE Program (Long-term)?
- May be used in lieu of expulsion from the home school or multiple suspensions
- Placement time is a minimum of one full semester
At the completion of the semester, an outtake meeting will be held with the home school,
parent/legal guardian, and RISE administration
Which students should be placed in the Short-term Program?
- May be used as an option for external suspension
Length of placement may vary dependent upon the needs of the
student, with a maximum of 25 days
Which students should be placed in the Credit Recovery Program?
May be used to help close the gap for students who are deficient in credit hours
or who are at risk of not graduating due to lack of credit hours
- Placement time may vary dependent upon the number of credit hours the student may need
RISE Intake System FAQ's
What has changed with the new updates to the RISE Intake System?
You are now required to upload the following documents before you can complete a RISE Itake submission:
Parent release of information.
The form must be signed by the student’s parent/legal guardian before the district
can release any information regarding the student to the RISE program.
- Complete student discipline history, including all anecdotal records and discipline forms
- Copy of student’s most current physical including immunization record
- Complete academic information (Transcript for high schoolers or report cards for junior high students)
- A copy of the Asthma Action Plan, if applicable
- A copy of the
document of available courses
with the needed courses checked, only for Short-Term and Credit Recovery students.
You are encouraged to upload the following documents through the system as well:
- Student Attendance Record
- Legal custody paperwork, if applicable
- Expulsion hearing letter, if applicable
- Pregnancy documentation, if applicable
The system now tracks whether your school district has the correct program agreement to enroll your student in
the selected program. When you enter your district and the chosen program, if the system lets you move forward, then
the apropriate program agreement is on file for current school year. If the you don't have the aprropiate program
agreement on file for the current school year and selected program, the system will let you know and provide
instructions on how to move forward.