Annual Review / Crisis Plan

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Annual Review Report

105 ILCS 128, Section 25. Annual Review Meeting
  1. Purpose. Each school (public and non-public), through its school board or the board’s designee shall conduct a minimum of one annual meeting at which it will review each school building’s emergency and crisis response plans, protocols, and procedures and each building’s compliance with the school safety drill programs. The purpose of this annual review shall be to review and update the emergency and crisis response plans, protocols and procedures, and the school safety drill programs.

  2. Participants. Each school board or the board’s designee is required to participate in the annual review and to invite each of the following parties to the annual review and provide each party with a minimum of 30-days’ notice before the date of the annual review:

3) Representatives from all local first responder organizations to participate, advise, and consult in the review process, including but not limited to:

c. Report. Upon conclusion of annual review, school board or board’s designee shall sign one page report including:

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d. Copies and Comments. The school board or its designee shall send a copy of this report to each party that participates in the annual review process and to the regional superintendent of schools. If any of the participating parties have comments on the certification document, those parties shall submit their comments in writing to the appropriate regional superintendent. The regional superintendent shall maintain a record of these comments.

Cc: Annual Review Participants, Appropriate Regional Superintendent

ISBE/OSFM Guidance - For Illinois Schools to Use in Complying with the One-Page Report Requirement Under c) Above - III. A.